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Хөдөлмөрийн эрүүл мэнд аюулгүй байдлын төлөө

Монгол улсын аюулгүй ажилын орчны төлөө насан туршийн боловсролын төвүүдийг байгуулж байна.

About 3L4MOHS

3L4MOHS is an ERASMUS funded project aimed at Lifelong Learning for Mongolia; Occupational Health & Safety project, has a dual purpose. To establish Lifelong Learning Centres (LLCs) in 4 Mongolian HEIs and to digitalize Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) curricula that will be piloted through the LLCs. The consortium includes 4 Mongolian HEIs, two universities and two colleges. The project is a collaboration between EU universities, organizations, and Mongolian HEI and organizations.

two person's arms
two person's arms